Jet Approx. 40 mm (20 mm star), Weight 10 gm. Pouch Available. Platonic solids are completely regular solids whose faces are equiangular and equilateral polygons of equal size. An identical number of faces meet at each vertex. Mathematically speaking, the solids are regular polyhedrons (multi-sided), i.e. particularly uniform convex polyhedrons. There are just 5 Platonic solids: tetrahedra, hexahedra, octahedra, dodecahedra and icosahedra. The oldest man-made Platonic solids are over 4000 years old. Carved in stone balls, they are tetrahedra, hexahedra, octahedra and dodecahedra that were found in different places in Scotland. The first architectural structures based on the octahedron, pyramids, were built at about the same time in Egypt and Central America. The mathematical laws governing the three Platonic solids tetrahedron, hexahedron, and dodecahedron were first studied about 2500 years ago by the Pythagoreans, a community founded by Pythagoras of Samos (570 – 496 B.C.) dedicated to the exploration of mathematics, astronomy, ethics and religion. A mathematical postulation for the remaining 2 solids, octahedron and icosahedron, as well as proof that exactly 5 Platonic solids exist, was ultimately brought by the Greek mathematician Theaetetus (415 – 396 B.C.). The Greek philosopher Plato (428 – 348 B.C.) described the solids extensively later on in his book “Timaios” and allotted them to the elements within the Platonic world view. According to his theory the world consists of the 4 basic elements fire, water, air and earth. In turn, these basic elements consist of small, indivisible atoms which, again according to Plato, have the shapes of the Platonic solids. The 4 elements are individually allotted to the solids as follows; the dodecahedron was added later as ‘fifth’ element.
Jet Best Quality Chakra Bonded Point Merkaba Star Stick. A++ Top Seller Worldwide. 7 Chakra Stones are Amethyst, Blue Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Green Aventurine, Yellow Aventurine, Red Aventurine and Red Jasper.
The Merkaba is a counter-rotating field of light generated from the spinning of specific geometric forms that simultaneously affects one’s spirit and body.
Crystals are the offspring of Heaven and Earth’s marriage. Since the beginning of formation of this universe, they are and will be an active part of earth’s crust.
BODY CHAKRAS, KUNDALINI, REIKI & CRYSTAL STONES – All these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded.
Clear Quartz aids the alignment of the Emotional Body with the Etheric Body… this enhances, but does not cause, tissue regeneration.
Free 40 Page Booklet on Jet International Crystal Therapy Book provides deep insight about Crystal Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Cleansing & Programming Crystals, Use on Pets, Benefits, Applications and many more details.
Exclusively Jet International Product. Though all our Products are ENERGIZED, CLEANSED, CHARGED AND PROGRAMMED from our side, we highly recommend to Cleanse them at your end too since it passes through lot many stages before reaching you. The methods & procedure are mentioned in our BOOKLET. The same details can also be researched online via We want that all our customers get BEST BENEFITS out of our products which will assist, guide and help lead a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious, wealthy and healthy life.
Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room.
This means that, unlike Western healthcare (which tends to focus on treating one symptom/ailment at a time) crystal therapy addresses the patient as a whole – paying as much attention to his or her spiritual and emotional well-being as to their physical health.
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