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Jet Exquisite Shree Yantra Pyramid Energy Generator Brass Copper Coil Aluminium Steel Conical Points Free Booklet Crystal Therapy


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Length Approx. 3.5″ * 3.5″ Across – From 1 End Point to Another End Point. Middle Shree Yantra Pyramid 1″ height. Pyramids harness higher level, vibrational energies. A unique, handmade Quartz Crystal Healing Pyramid Generator used for magnifying energy, healing, focusing intent, manifesting desires, gridwork, protection, and chakra balancing. This is a great tool for energy and healing work. Placing this Pyramid Generator in your home promotes a positive flow of energy in your space. Because of the uniqueness of each crystal, they are one of a kind. The center features a pyramid in the middle surrounded by crystal points. The center features a pyramid in the middle surrounded by crystal points. Use a pyramid in your healing work by placing your selected pyramid on each chakra or desired place or area. You can also place a pyramid under your healing table or wherever is needed. Bring the Crystal Sri Yantra to your home and place of work. You can keep the Crystal Sri Yantra in your showcase just like any other decorative items. Our Crystal Sri Yantras are aesthetically very pleasing. Sri Yantras of any size and number will usher in maximum positive energy, prosperity, harmony, peace and good luck. You can instantly feel the flow of positive energy. The Sri Yantras can be merely kept in any convenient place at home and office. You can keep one or any number of Sri Yantras. You can opt for the smaller 50 carat Sri Yantra initially. Bring the Sri Yantra into your life. You will achieve lifelong peace, prosperity, happiness and success. While you can place the Crystal Sri Yantra anywhere at home or office place at least one crystal Sri Yantra in the SOUTH EAST corner of home.

Beautiful Top Quality Shree Yantra Coil Generator. Best Selling Crystals A++++. Kindly note that since all our products are handcrafted and hand carved there always exists slight deviation in size, shape and color compared to image shown here; however, the Healing Qualities & Metaphysical Properties are EXCELLENT.

Sri Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody.

A beautiful addition to any collection, the Shree Yantra Generator or Chakra Conical Multi Crystal Energy Generator is a powerful energy magnifier and can be used in healing, energy balancing, spiritual centering, focus of intent and protection. Each Chakra Conical Energy Generator is hand crafted and unique.

Vastu shastra started with the main focus on the sacred architecture of Hindu and Buddhist temples. Vaastu is one of the most ancient sciences of architecture and is composed of specific rules, regulations and directions, set down by the sages of the vedic times.

Sri Yantra – is a powerful positive energy symbol used in Hindu and Buddhist religious beliefs. Sri Yantra is known to usher in peace, prosperity, harmony and good fortune. Sri Yantra is one of the auspicious, important and powerful Yantra which gives the maximum benefit for almost everybody.

Free 40 Page Booklet on Jet International Crystal Therapy Book provides deep insight about Crystal Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Cleansing & Programming Crystals, Use on Pets, Benefits, Applications and many more details.
Exclusively Jet International Product. Though all our Products are ENERGIZED, CLEANSED, CHARGED AND PROGRAMMED from our side, we highly recommend to Cleanse them at your end too since it passes through lot many stages before reaching you. The methods & procedure are mentioned in our BOOKLET. The same details can also be researched online via google.com. We want that all our customers get BEST BENEFITS out of our products which will assist, guide and help lead a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious, wealthy and healthy life.

Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room.
This means that, unlike Western healthcare (which tends to focus on treating one symptom/ailment at a time) crystal therapy addresses the patient as a whole – paying as much attention to his or her spiritual and emotional well-being as to their physical health.

Weight 100 kg


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