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Jet Selenite Puffy Heart Stone Spirit Guide Stone White Crystal Therapy Healing Chakra Balancing Energy Free Booklet Crystal Therapy


Top benefits of Selenite:
  • Cleanses and purifies its’ environment.
  • Clears negative energy.
  • Cleanses and charges other crystals.
  • Self-cleansing.
  • Its’ calming properties makes it ideal for meditation and spiritual work.
  • Enhances team spirit in groups and organisations.
  • Perfect crystal for gridding the home or property.
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Free 40 Page Booklet on Jet International Crystal Therapy Book provides deep insight about Crystal Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Cleansing & Programming Crystals, Use on Pets, Benefits, Applications and many more details.
Exclusively Jet International Product. Though all our Products are ENERGIZED, CLEANSED, CHARGED AND PROGRAMMED from our side, we highly recommend to Cleanse them at your end too since it passes through lot many stages before reaching you. The methods & procedure are mentioned in our BOOKLET. The same details can also be researched online via google.com. We want that all our customers get BEST BENEFITS out of our products which will assist, guide and help lead a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious, wealthy and healthy life.

Top Quality Selenite Puffy Heart approx.Approx. 55 – 65 mm long, 15 – 20 mm thick and 65 – 75 grams weight. A++ Grade. Genuine Authentic Original; Pouch Available. Best Seller Worldwide. Kindly note that since all our products are handcrafted, there always exists slight deviations in size, shape, color of the products compared to image shown here. However, the Healing Qualities Metaphysical Properties are EXCELLENT.

Selenite crystals are remarkably peaceful. They carry a very high vibration, and instill clarity of mind and a deep sense of inner peace. Selenite will assist you in opening your crown chakra and it can even assist you in contacting your Spiritual Guides and Angels. Another wonderful property of Selenite is that it has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal, as you need to do with many metaphysical s

Palm / Worry Stones have soothing effects, a belief that has been passed down through the millennia and still exists today in the form of small stones worn smooth by the sea into a shape that feels pleasant to the hands which soothe and calm the person who handles them. By rubbing the Worry Stone between your thumb and forefinger you feel the calming affect enter your body. The gentle pressure of the stone on your thumb is said to release endorphins, your bodyâ€s natural painkiller along with

Relieving Stress In many cultures, worry stones are thought to relieve stress. The basic method used is rubbing the smooth area of the stone with the index finger and thumb. Each culture adds its own traditions to this practice. Calming the Mind Rubbing a worry stone is thought to help clear and calm the mind. Meditation Some people hold or rub a worry stone during meditation as a way of helping to center their concentration. Luck In Irish folklore, rubbing a worry stone crafted from connemara

Palm / Worry stones are smooth stones that fit in the palm of your hand. Palm Stones are similar to worry stones but don’t have the indentation in them. They are also called touchstones or pocket stones. These flat smooth polished stones are used for healing and laying on a body part, chakra layouts, hold during meditation, carrying in the pocket and are great for under your pillow. When you are anxious or stressed or worried, you are to rub them with your thumb or otherwise trace their surfa

Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room.
This means that, unlike Western healthcare (which tends to focus on treating one symptom/ailment at a time) crystal therapy addresses the patient as a whole – paying as much attention to his or her spiritual and emotional well-being as to their physical health.


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